Remember those infographics?

I used Piktochart (and for the chart) to create this infographic about an article you can find here. I started with a blank page and not a template so it was a struggle at first, but exploring it was fun.


  1. Hi Dana! I liked your infographic, especially the chart. It was fun to play around with the different sites and see how much they can offer! I think that older kids would have a great time summarizing articles with infographics because of all the fun visuals they could make. Good job!:)

  2. This is a great example of an infographic! I also love Piktochart. It is easy to use and makes quality graphics that students can really learn from...and produce!

  3. Very engaging infographic. Its simple and effective format delivers important stats in a way the doesn't overwhelm you. Mission accomplished!

  4. Your infographic was an eye opener! It is stunning that more students do not have access to a computer or laptop at home with internet connectivity and they are only left with using their phones. It is definitely something for teachers to keep in mind when creating homework assignments. There is a huge push for teachers to use technology in the classroom, but students need to be given time to complete work in the class or in the library since they may not have access at home.


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