Today we are going to be checking out how some libraries are using social media! Don’t be scared, social media isn’t all bad! The Facebook! I stalked, ahem, followed a few libraries on Facebook an was mostly really excited about what I found. Librarians are using their library pages to high light student achievement, enlighten patrons about month themes and new literature, show school spirit and pride and showcase literary stars of the campus and community! What a great tool for sharing! I can’t tell you how many times I have been scrolling through facebook hoping for some great, positive posts and here they are! Just follow a few libraries! My particular favorite was Liberty Junior High School’s page. They had everything! Kids, staff, community, PSAs and memes. What more could you need? Twitter I ventured into the Twitterverse to follow the ideas of a few educational gurus. I struggle with Twitter, but I am slowly warming up to it! A lot of the professionals I t...