"Gabi: A Girl in Pieces" by Isabel Quintero

Quintero, Isabel. (2014). Gabi: A girl in Pieces. El Paso, TX: Cinco Punto Press. ISBN: 978-1-935955-94-8

                This is a young Mexican-American girl’s coming of age story. We get to live out her perspective of what it is like to not be Mexican enough for the Mexicans and not American enough for the Americans, which is something I think a lot of people struggle with. The dichotomy of being part of two cultures can be a very delicate one that is hard to balance. Gabi struggles between her disappointment in a meth junkie father and a very strict, conservative Catholic mother. She has to deal with her mother projecting her personal failures onto her daughter and that cannot be easy to handle at the age of 17.

                There is some “adult content” in the book, but it is the reality that teens face now days. Sex is everywhere. Drugs are everywhere. Violence and rape culture are the norm for them. Its hard to understand that unless you can see from their perspective. I grew up pretty sheltered, so the fact that Gabi has 2 friends that get pregnant their senior year is a strange concept for me, especially since they are from such conservative families. One thing I do understand is the fear of judgment for being different. Gabi struggles with her self-perception and weight and very few people are supportive of her in this. This is something we have in common. Though our shapes may be different, our mentality is the same.

                I really, really would have enjoyed this book as a teen but I still enjoyed it in my 30s. As a teacher, I felt the need to recommend it to a specific student within minutes of finishing, and as I type, she is already through page 200 and gushing about it. This book is teenage reality. Specifically, the reality of a Mexican teenager in American society. The struggle is real and this book lets mixed up kids know that they will be ok. #hotcheetosandcheese


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