"Echo" by Francesca Lia Block

Block, Francesca Lia. (2001). Echo.  New York, NY: HarperCollins Publisher. ISBN: 0-06-028127-8

                This was a very odd book to read. It threw me off a little and I found myself rereading a page more than once. I was honestly not sure I was enjoying the book until the last quarter. The character names are all very whimsical and similar, (Echo, Eden, Eva, Storm, Thorn, Smoke) and their storylines are intertwined in some way or another. Essentially, this is a book about love. Not feeling loved, being jealous of love, all-consuming love, unhealthy love, losing love, never forgetting love. The protagonist, Echo, travels from place to place chasing love in a few different forms. She starts off trying to earn love from her father and not feeling deserving of it. She jumps from lover to lover, and this novel isn’t shy about masturbation or sexual encounters, in order to try to find the perfect love that will understand her and make her radiate like her mother.

                I was a little shocked at some of the sexual content in this book, but it really isn’t anything too risqué. I think the focus on the evolving meaning of love for people is one that hits home in many readers. There are too many people out there who are not getting the love they deserve or, feel they don’t deserve the love they are getting. Although the plot was difficult to follow at times, the message is still adamantly clear: Sometimes there a lot of ups and downs with love, but each of those experiences prepares us for the big love waiting at the end of the ride.


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