Text Book Reflection: Awards

                There are many awards a book can receive and they all have different criteria that are considered by the panels who choose the honored books and winners. Each award is meant to honor its namesake in some way.            
                The Pura Belpre award, for example, is meant to highlight a Latin writer or illustrator who celebrates the Latino culture and experience. The writer, text and images are all taken into consideration when winners like La Princesa and the Pea, written by Juana Martinez-Neal and illustrated by Susan Middleton Elya, are chosen.

                Many of the criteria and panels are listen on the YALSA website for the public to peruse at their leisure, but it is the librarians job to know the awards and understand, simply by award, what major characteristics a novel embraces so that we may recommend books we may not have read yet to the right audiences.

image borrowed from: https://ascplcl.wordpress.com/booklists/book-awards/


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