Text Reflections: Realistic Fiction

Chapter 11- Realistic Fiction
                Realistic fiction is just fiction that is plausible. The characters could be real people and their problems could be real-people problems. Often, they teach some sort of lesson, or provide experiences for readers to learn from. For them to be really effective, they readers should be able to immerse themselves in the world and vicariously live through the protagonist.

                I’ve found, through years of experience with books, that readers learn best when they don’t feel like they’re being taught! If the learning experience is an authentic, not forced, one then the process will be much easier on the reader/learner. Sometimes the reader will not learn the lesson of the protagonist, and that’s ok! Reading for the pure joy of the experience will still teach vocabulary, if nothing else. Oscar Wilde had it mostly right when he said “Every (reading) experience is of value” for one reason or another!

image borrowed from: http://www.keepcalmandposters.com/poster/1953109_keep_calm_and_read_realistic_fiction


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