Young Adult Literature Reflections: Divisions of Young People's Literature

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Divisions of Young People's Literature
            Have you ever tried to recommend a book to a kid and stopped to think, “Uh oh, is this subject appropriate?” This video chapter showed the differences between subject matter at different age levels, which was news to me! The tiny readers are easier to choose books for. Picture books at first, then easy readers etc. It is when the readers get to middle school (around 11) that things get… awkward. It can be hard to judge what a kid is ready for and it is A LOT of responsibility!

            The difference between Middle readers and Young Adult readers astounds me. They change so much in such a short time and it is hard to gauge their readiness for a certain subject. If it is something they might be going through at the time or soon, yes of course they are ready! Ready or not, life happens to them and we need to be there with just the right book at the ready to help them face life head on. 


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