Young Adult Literature Reflections: Why We Share Literature with Children

Why We Share Literature with Children
(or anybody for that matter)
This video chapter brought to mind the old adage "sharing is caring." When we share literature with children, we are sharing so much more that words on paper! Reading to our children develops their vocabulary, which then lends itself to their independent reading in the future, which leads to more intelligent citizens which then leads to a happier, healthier environment for our old age! See the chain reaction? It is a valuable experience for everyone involved!
Also, when we choose a certain book to share with a child, we are exposing a piece of our inner-self to them. Showing them that I enjoyed a book and that I think they would too, makes a connection between us that they understand in a way without words. It shows that we have similarities when it is sometimes difficult to find common ground.

I love the idea of sharing experiences and developing a worldliness without actually traveling or experiencing things together. Some readers never get out of their small home town, but there are no limits to how far one can travel via literature! It is our job as Librarians to bring those wonderful experiences and perspectives to our communities and students so that they can understand the people around them and build EMPATHY, which the world could always use a little more of. 


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