"Millions of Cats" by Wanda Gag


·         A very old couple go in search of a cat and find quite a bit more than they bargained for!

·         I hadn’t immediately remembered reading this book until I started reading it to my daughter tonight, then it hit me like a train full of cats. Somebody must have read this to me as a very young child! The black and white illustrations are very simple and to-the-point, but the storyline is a ringer. Every young child dreams of asking for one pet and receiving a trillion instead! The featured cats are even drawn with their tiny personalities showing through in their illustrated antics, as they are surprisingly individual despite their monochromatic coloring.
    Though this is a bit long for a picture book, much of the story revolves around some memorable repetition. The chorus-like repetition of, “hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats,” is quite catchy and had my froggy 3 year old chanting along happily. The repetition serves to build the child’s cognitive and verbal skills while making them believe they are just having fun!
     In the end, the kitten they couple adopt is just a scraggly scrap of feline, but their tender love and care helps him to grow into a beautiful cat. Much like the tender love and care we give our children helps them to grow into adults. Though this is something they may not understand this in reference to their own lives, they get it when a cute kitten is involved. This book can help them to understand how their actions can affect others.


·         Newberry Honor Book, 1929


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