"Are You My Mother" by P.D. Eastman


·         Shortly after hatching, a young bird sets out on an adventure to find his mother and finds many other creatures along the way.

·         Since this book is part of the vast Dr. Seuss collection, it is practically a requirement for houses with children. I did not like the taupe-tinted illustrations in this book at first, but it soon became apparent (upon the 20th reading or so) that they served a purpose. They keep the book from being too distracting for the child to grasp the story line. The images of cows, chickens and kittens (some fan favorites) could detract from the story.

     This book uses the oldest trick in the…book… to entertain young readers. Repetition! The chorus of “Are you my mother?” is easy for kids to “read” along with and also gives them something they can associate with: mothers. They know what a mother is and it is silly for them to think a kitten or cow could be their mom. The large print means that they can visibly follow along as you read and see/hear the words being modeled.

    My favorite thing about this book has very little to do with what is actually in it. This was the first book I saw my young child actually pick up, flip through and retell. The story line followed Freytag’s pyramid and was much more complex than “Monkey likes the color red. Cow likes the color green,” etc. She was able to recognize the problem, action and solution easily. A book that can convey story line while maintaining simplicity is a wonderful find and a great learning tool!

·         Scholastic Parent & Child 100 Greatest Books for Kids (2012)


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